Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I just found out that my grandfather (grand-dad) passed today... and Im kinda bummed about it. I mean I really wasnt close to my grand-dad (on my father's side) and I really wasnt close to my grand-dad (on my mother's side). Its like being born the baby of the family (of 7) I missed out on some good bonding time. I dont have the same recollections as my older brothers and sisters who remember - when family lived with "us" while they were sick or while mom was working another job. Yes, I am truly bummed by the fact that I dont have a lot (enough) positive male role models in my life that have shaped me into the young lady that I am today. (& I know my mom is somewhere saying that she was both mother and father - but God did not create one in the same, but two)

Im bummed... because from what I remember of my grandfather Jesse was that we couldnt hold a long conversation because we just didnt have enough to talk about... He was a scholar so asking me about school was expected and you can only elaborate about classes for 5-10 minutes. Other than that - we stared into the air, into the television - listening to silence or listening to heavy breaths being taken...

This sucks -
no tears to form
because no memories were formed
and I wish we were closer

like how you would read in stories
of a granddaughter burring her face into her strong grandfather's chest
strong and gentle
with words of wisdom
and lots of stories
of how lucky we are
to be born
in the latter part of the century
and now - I can only wonder
what it would have meant to be

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I've lost my glasses (freakin again) - I dont know what the heck is going on. I almost hate admitting that I lost them because what if I find them or would have found them - had I not spoke the negative phrase into existence............Breathe (praticing yoga)

This would be the 2 time in about 2 months and I only need them for driving at night (blah...the curse of being near-sighted)
I cant tell him (my boyfriend) he is sooo organized - I'll be made to walk the line.

Please help - spending money on glass every other month is no fun

That's it

Hey Girl..(True Model)
No I didnt break up with my man - but dont-chu know men can make you feel like that...(emotionally unstable - blurting words out your mouth)

Its the on-again, off-again rollacoster (I love to ride) - how about you?
Actually right now me and my man are doing quite well and that dont mean there wont be another day that I'll be singing the blues again - but next time maybe I'll be less emotional.

Ladies: Dont you wish sometimes you were more like a guy (or maybe that's just me) - but then I guess if we were more like them we wouldnt be sugar & spice and everything nice.

(I'm careful what I say here in this public domain)

(But out of the blue I wrote this poem while typing)
Spending time with you - is like spending time with me
I guess I need to do more of it
and I just love it
when things with us are good and shit
so good that I dont even want the clock to tick
Can't stay in here?
what do mean -
Sometimes we gotta go through some areas
Where the grass isnt so green
I breathe
You know I got that from doing yoga
& shit
Cause what I mean -
is sometimes spending time with you - is like finding me...
and I like it here
That's it.

Why I love being me...

Your Birthdate: August 21

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.

Your strength: Your thirst for adventure

Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures

Your power color: Hot pink

Your power symbol: Figure eight

Your power month: March

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Once Upon A Time


Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl

"Will you marry me?"

The girl said, "NO!"

And she lived happily ever after,

and went shopping, dancing, drank martinis,

always had a clean house,

never had to cook,

did whatever the hell she wanted,

never argued,

didn't get fat,

traveled more,

had many boyfriends,

didn't have to save money,

and had all the hot water to herself.

She went to the theater, never watched sports,

never wore fricken lacy lingerie that went up her butt,

had high self esteem, never cried or yelled,

felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants,

and burped, and swore, all the time.

The end.

I thought this was cute