I have recently come to realize that I have some what of a "phobe"
{One that fears or is averse to a specified thing} per answers.com- to holding hands...
Example: I think its weird - I feel akward - I often, pull away or cant hold on very long
( I think Im averse to it)Im trying not to make this whole experience symbolic (even though it is) & the more I see "couples" holding hands the more I am convinced that there is a problem (that I need to solve)
My Argument:#1 - just like kissing - I dont think that you can or should- HOLD HANDS - with anyone (not to mention some people are not very sanitary)I found an article to justify my thoughts -
Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do,and other propaganda disseminated by misguided women. 7. His hands always find yours. This is one of those things women read and say "AWW HOW ROMANTIC." I have news for you:
holding hands is stupid. Women don't know the first thing about being romantic. Only lesbians hold hands anyway; allow me to explain. The only time it's acceptable to hold hands with anyone is if you're at a peace vigil. Guys don't go to peace vigils, period. If you do, you have to surrender your balls and get a sex transplant because you're a bitch; in either case, you're a woman, and when two women hold hands it can only lead to one thing as far as I'm concerned.
ok... ok... - thats not necessarily "church" - but sometimes it is stupid - or maybe I not that kind of a romantic#2-
Holding hands represents something serious & I think some people take it way to lightly enough said or maybe...
Men look - Women SeeContrary to popular belief,
women are more visual than men. They are conditioned to see what they want to see, without staring or being obvious. Men admire; women inspect. A woman may decide she is interested in a man before she has caught his eye or gotten his attention.
Men notice contours and curves. Women notice form and structure. They also notice men's eyes, hands, teeth, smile, and class. Women who are more interested in a man's qualities notice men who are honest, outgoing, confident, and have style, intelligence, a sense of humor, and class. These men are perceived as likable, friendly and genuinely interested in others. They develop and maintain a wide range of
personal contacts.
I have to say that I agree on everything that is said in this article - if holding hands "means" a closer level of intimacy - then I personally DO NOT wanna hold your hand (& get close to you) if I SEE something that I dont want to become attached with..Note: In the times when an individual (male) has held my hand and
I became uncomfortable with it (i.e. while driving, while walking down the street or across the street, and in some cases just out in public in general) I quickly rescued my hand - feeling and believing that, that wasnt appropriate behavior and that it would be best if we just walked closely together
ok - pk...Its starting to sound stupid - but...
The irony here- Is that I am completely comfortable holding hands with women & I am so NOT gay... with a female & the situation where we would (need to) hold hands - its to assure our safety and let other people know that we are together (therefore we have an accountability issue & I hate being accountable)
Ending Point: More often than not, women are assertive and no longer behave like quiet little mice.
I myself - will never be "a man" or "like a man" even if I tried -
I love flowers, I love to smell nice and sweet, I love a man TO BE A MAN, I love to be cherished and adored, I love to dress danity dresses, I love tea (just as muchsI love coffee), I love to be held until I fall asleep... I love a lot of things - a whole lot of things - but Im just not that into holding hands
(open to a change of heart)