Monday, October 01, 2007

What to do? What to say (and these are the questions I often ask myself)

I was supposed to leave here hours ago - but here I am about to type a post

What to say and what to do?
The two most common questions asked by me - to me, just about everyday!

I looked up some information on Costa Rica last night (was considering a weekend travel venture) only to find out via Bobby that its the rainy season - Dang! no wonder why it was so darn cheap

Then we started to talk about London vs. Ireland. I just don't wanna spend a lot of money on entertainment while I'm away from America - and it seems like the only place you can do that right now is Dominica Republic.

Any self respecting Leo - hates to go anywhere where everyone else has been or is talking about going. We must on all occasions do the complete opposite or set the trend

Well I tried... but was not very successful
This morning I tried to wake up and start a coffee fast (30-days with out coffee) for the month of October
but just like R. Kelly's song Bump & Grind
My mind is telling me no - but my body says yes
So I said yes and excepted that "sometimes" your body - knows what it needs
I must control my flesh and/or have more strength to resist that "coffee demon" but he or she has my number and dials it around 6:45am every morning
I keep answering it
should I get caller ID
then again
does it really work
when you are trying to avoid a call
I used to change the person's number to (DON'T ANSWER) even that doesn't work if there is only 1 don't answer in your phone

so what am I supposed to do
What do I say
and these are the questions I often ask myself


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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