Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I really dont want to complain , but Im dealing with people who dont understand me when I speak.
I think I mentioned today (and it came out so poetically).
I say words that dont create sentences... (dont worry I aint talking about you)
Im just really edgy right now
and I while people are getting on my nerves Im trying to look at them the way Astrin used to - slightly poutting, slightly annoyed, very confused and very focused at the same time.
Problem is that - I dont think she was really hearing what those people had to say

There you go - I guess I do miss ya Astrin!

Back to my complaining...
I seem to be dealing with a lot of people's..... there is no other word to input her but
okay - I said it Ive been dealing with other people's shit and Im tired of their asses
Just so you know - I am planning my blonde secretary's demise as we speak
I hope - she'll be out of her before the next highlight sets in...
I am currently in a mood where I have no other choice but to direct my frustration at her stupidness and she makes it very easy.
She talks on the phone most of the time she is at work & I really dont have a problem with that while she is filing. I mean you CAN file and talk on the phone.
But when you half-ass every other task that is given you and I start to feel like I should be doing it myself -
Then I start to think
Why dont I do this myself?
Maybe I should pay myself an extra $15 an hour to do what I obviously pay her NOT to do
Then I would be really happy.
I hope to find a male replacement to balance some of the horomozones in the office.

I myself have a serious problem with giving a "smart" response (especially when Im feeling edgy). The only person who has really dealt with my smart mouth is my sister Joy. At the age of 16 - she popped me in the mouth - I couldnt believe it. However, there is a first and last time for everything. She expirenced both at the same time.

I really dont want to be in the office
I wish someone could plan me a get away


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