Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Who's all up in "MYSPACE"

Okay Yall... I recently joined... (drum roll please)
MY SPACE (yikes)
Yep - me and all the other billions of people (all over the world)

Interestingly - Im noticing that many people (who I dont know) what to be my friend?
What's that all about (time to explore) I've taken it upon myself to ask anyone who wants to be my friend - WHY?

So, you go on myspace - set up your account - post some blogs, pictures, songs, videos (nothing like which is more private) and within a short period of time you notice - someone wants to be your friend. Whether its a band or a person - this is a good site for anyone who is lonely or feels like they cant make friends (the key is put a really sexy picture of yourself on the space - they'll never know - lol... Just kidding - unless your gonna do it).

So far I've received request from guys, girls, artist, bands, models, ect. I would like to get a few more celebs on my space because it seems like the more friends you have the better.
Anyways come check me out:

Disclaimer: This myspace account is currently being used for research purposes


Blogger Now I Know said...

u r so hypocritical- you have had a myspace acct b4!

also not everyone goes on the site for hookup purposes...some (like myself) don't even have sexy photos up, or a space where you can see all of the sexy/famous people you know...

some (whom don't really club or make special appearences) just use it to connect with old friends from college, peeps out of state,business promotion, or where ever

Hence, if you are going to be doing "RESEARCH" try focusing on its entirety, not just the one obvious negative aspect that goes along side anything in life "if you don't respect you, and present your self like such, NO ONE ELSE WILL !

Blogger Now I Know said...

u r so hypocritical- you have had a myspace acct b4!

also not everyone goes on the site for hookup purposes...some (like myself) don't even have sexy photos up, or a space where you can see all of the sexy/famous people you know...

some (whom don't really club or make special appearences) just use it to connect with old friends from college, peeps out of state,business promotion, or where ever

Hence, if you are going to be doing "RESEARCH" try focusing on its entirety, not just the one obvious negative aspect that goes along side anything in life "if you don't respect you, and present your self like such, NO ONE ELSE WILL !

Blogger Now I Know said...


Blogger Hamani said...

I've heard it all before - and Now... I just cant say sorry (for being me). It is so like me to put pictures of myself all over the place, whether sexy, silly or cute. IM A FREAKIN LEO - dammit!!!!

Okay - so point being is that I noticed that most of these folks are here for the "hook-up" the fact that people are trying to get in touch with friends from college or peeps out of state is not as apparent as the hook-up factor.

Why MUST I always explain myself?

and WHY or Y are u always addressing me on issues of RESPECT - Im starting to think that U think maybe I dont respect ME - hmmm...
Maybe you dont know me very well.

Blogger Hamani said...

p.s. I tried to find you on MySpace and you didnt show up

Blogger Now I Know said...

"Whether its a band or a person - this is a good site for anyone who is lonely or feels like they cant make friends (the key is put a really sexy picture of yourself on the space - they'll never know - lol... Just kidding - unless your gonna do it)."

i was speaking more so on this comment. i wasn't talking about your pics... i was attempting to explain to your readers that don't have a myspace that there is more out is what you of make it

had absolutely nothing to do with your self respect!

since when do leos take everthing so personally :)


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