Tuesday, February 14, 2006

On Scrap Paper

Unlike most people my age -
my goals do NOT include "how to become a millionaire" before I turn 30
Right now - I am 26 and if I was really considering setting a goal, I think I first want to know
What God's plan??? For my life

I wish NOT to be wasting time - on things that are not worth my time

A few weeks ago - I wanted an X5 (BMW Truck) - I've changed that to a Cayenne (Porche truck) -
F.Y.I.its been brought to my attention by a few folks that think they know my (smile) that I like nice things (aka expensive things)
But truthfully - what I want today , may not be what I want tomorrow
So HOW can I want to be a millionaire by the time I turn 30 - what significance does that really make on my life??? (other than - more money more problems)

I can wish and pray to be not so.... attracted to "nice" things -
for the Bible says -
"thou shall not want"
But I want a lot - of things
a whole LOT of things
and this world is a big candy store (shake your laffy taffy)
& I know it takes money to buy the products in front of me
Man can not live off of - M & M's, Kit Kats & Gummi Bears alone
But still we try -
until we are sick - (stuffing our mouths with junk)
Who is there to encourage us to try one thing at a time?

(getting to my point)

I want so much -
out of life
out of people
out of everything

But... GOD
What do I need most?

p.s. GOD - Im wondering when you're gonna answer some of my birthday wishes...


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