Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Communication -
some people believe
Some people say that -

...is the most important part of the relationship

so why do we stop talking?
why do we scream and holler - when our words cant be heard?
why do we say things - we dont mean?
and let silence grow (in between)
why do we talk in spite?
why dont we say whats right?
why do we try to figure things out?
what you did -
what was that all about?
why cant you say where your going?
take your time...
so you can know where your going?
dont call me that word!
dont speak to me!
- in that - tone!
dont cut me off
and YOU hung up the phone
and ended everything
we were trying to work out
- communication
is trying to work things out
but instead
we give up


Blogger Now I Know said...

Communication is key, and whatever you feel get it out in the most effective time, place, and tone.

Keep true to yourself and let the other person know-if it is right it will come back...if it is not, let it go!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Communication from the heart is the truest...


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