Tuesday, October 04, 2005

When a Black Cat crosses your path...

Within the past 1-2 weeks Ive had 2 different black cats cross my path -
What does that mean... Oh nothing really -
only if I give it meaning will it actually affect me
(this is how I got off reading horoscopes)

Funny thing is that I use to date a guy - who was sooooooo supersticious -
he would literally STOP! - go in the other direction - avoid the "path", or if necessary - do 6 spins - while dropping down & getting his eagle on - before going in the direction of the cat....
First mistake is that society wants us to believe that anything that is black is bad
(ladies and gentlemen - this is the basis from which we justify racism)

Anyhow - when I crossed the path - I reversed it
Changing my thoughts to - it comes to bring me some good...

And we can literally do that
Change our minds
Change our thoughts
Make up in our mind - how WE want a situation to go -
instead of allowing the situation to dictate the results
Expect the best & it will happen

P.S. My Mama told me if you have nothing good to say - then dont say nothing at all...
But how often do we practice this?
Most importantly - How often do we practice speaking good over ourselves...

...Give you self a compliment today


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