Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I boycotted Erykah Badu - for about 5 years...

Many of you - may or may not know this - but I boycotted Erykah Badu for about 5 years... As much as I love her music - I refused to listen to it...
The reason why (& the only person I have to back this entire story up - is Shiminege cause she actually was there):
A girl, I called friend - invited me to her house in New York for spring break in my freshman year in college.
The three days I was there - I was partically starved (now your probably asking yourself - how can anyone starve you) - They starved me by #1 - not having any food in there house; #2- Not taking me anywhere or being close enough to buy food, when I would ask for food - I was ... finally given an apple (after the 2nd day) - with some pills - or the infamous - green drink - which was suppose to "cleanse me"... I guess then - was slowly being broken down - to weakness - (because they needed my mind to be weak).
Honestly - whenever we went out - there was no food place around - or there wasnt enough time to go - cause we were going somewhere else - (its really hard to explain the whole not eating thing - maybe Shiminege can add to the story - where I left out) ...when we got there we were hungry as shit and hamani's friend acted like she didn't give a damn that we were even coming to visit her, so one of her friends another girl that went to school with us took us to this place where we got soul food (I can't remember if the food was good or not but I do remember that was our only meal for the entire trip!) then we had planned to go to the club, again the girl we came to visit didn't want to go anywhere and was going to send us off with like 4 Brooklyn Grimmey chics......hell no her ass got up and came thanks to Hamani's sassiness, They stiffed for the taxi bill but I am getting off the the next morning we were invited to this graduatoion where Hamani had to take three pills, and the mother "Queen Afua" presented us with this greenish blackish thick bark like looking drink and told us it will help cleanse us.....we looked at each other and said "I aint drinking that" I thought they were trying to posion us..then on the ride to the graduation we were given an apple and Orange..mind you it is Sunday or Saturday morning and the grandparents who live downstairs was cooking bacon and eggs I wanted some of that!!!! Shoot!.......Whew what a trip I could go on and on but maybe I will make another appearance.....we wrote poems about the trip..Hamani and me (Shiminege) I will post them soon....peace.
The Graduation:
We spent 5 hours - (hungry) in a gradution - On a Saturday/Sunday morning... mind you - we just came from the club the night before - WE had to go to this gradutation - we said we were hungry & I think thats when I was given the green drink - me & Shiminege were given clothes that we "had" to wear at this graduation... (quick note - only me & Shiminege went -not my so called "friend") - When the graduation begun - my "friend's" mom & dad - came into the room & everybody - BOWED ---- whoa............
I dont bow to know one - so me & Shiminege - didnt know what to do - sitting there on our knees (but not our heads down)- we watched people bow to a regular man & a regular woman - but to them - they were King & Queen...
Im not sure what his name was - but if you have ever heard of "Queen Afua" - she is Erykah Badu's Spiritual mother (she even says it in interviews & if you ever saw her video Bag Lady - that was done in front of her house). The cermony began with chanting - of the Ankh - the complete rotation of the circle of the Ankh - (quick note - if you've ever been to an Erkyah Badu concert or listen to her 1st CD closely - she basically preaches about the Ankh). To make a short story out of this whole graduation - it was bringing together - 2 of the same kind - almost like a wedding - they were bringing together 2 Pisces... cause in there cult - you have to be matched up with with a compatable partner
I later discovered that I am a target to these kind of people/cults/organizations...
I some how exhibited the kind of behavoir that they were looking for
i.e. Im a Leo - im on the cusp which means I have dual citzenship - (no just kidding) but I could be both a Leo & a Virgo (yuck-LOL), Im the seventh child, my name has 9 letters, my grandma is an only child, & my great-grandma is an indian...& who know what she was doing - (she died before me or my mom met her).

One time me and Sandy were shopping in Georgetown & she wanted me (or shall I say us) to get our palms read
No way...
Im nervous & I would rather not know (we didnt end up doing it because the lady wasnt available or taking appointment or something...I was relieved)

its bad enough
that I have an unexplainable scar on my right hand -

Anyhow - I think the girl says a lot of good shh... But then again - she sure has messed a lot of dudes up (Andre, Common) in the process


Blogger Unknown said...

His name was Supernova and he olderst son was named that too....remember the little brother we tried to save.. i wonder if he ever got the letter we left forrest black boy!!!!! Shiiiitttt they was some crazy ass folks. the oldest brother girfriend was trying to talk bad about Hamani cause she was wearing a short skirt..the bitch don't know that's how Hamani role!!!!! That was some crazy shit I still forgot to tpye the poems in here but blog world not ready for that..all I know is we were scared to listen to erika Badu for a long ass time!!!!!!! Ommmmmmmmm..sike naw. You will never catch me praying to a sign. Ever Leo or not they should know we the damn leader what the fuck.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

y'all sound real ignorant.

Children get your culture!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Ericka, but I understand that a lot of people are confused or put off by her overt spirility(spell).


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