Monday, August 08, 2005


Today - I had to define to a "friend" what evasive means - so I went to - (thanks to my neice Kiera) and got the definition.

Here is what I found:
evasive is associated with the following topics: (& I quote directly from the website)
playing games
double talking
giving people the runaround
and the last example I will use is...

So what is wrong here?
People do this all the time - (& I will be the first to admit that I have had trouble answering some difficult questions)
and its a clear example of - saying what you mean & meaning what you say
if you say what you mean and mean what you say - you dont have to speak in codes
no one will be offended if you say - what you expect or dont expect - (& in most cases: what to expect or not expect from them)...because they were pre-informed of the situation.
Yes, In most cases - people cant handle the truth - but the truth will set you free - to be either on your way - or give you the opportunity to deceide if you want to deal with the situation.

New Disclaimer:
Please be advised that you are accountable for your words and your actions.

p.s. I woke up this morning and said to myself - Self - what's the real issue here? - the real issue is that Im a grown azz woman - enough said...( no - really - I am a mature young lady)
p.s.s. My Sister Kisha told me last week - dont say anything to somebody, or about somebody that you dont want repeated - speak with good purpose


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