Dating Survey

Dang... I need to take some new pictures
Anyhow - I was thinking..(like I always do)
When you start dating someone - what do you do (nowadays)
What are the appropriate dates to take a person on? (movies & dinner)
Who pays? - who doesnt pay?
What is the appropriate - 1st date outfit?
What are you saying - in your first date outfit?
What should you avoid - conversations, actions, settings?
How do you prescreen - your date?
Does it really matter where you met the person?
How can you tell if this date - will lead to a relationship?
What things are you looking at?
What things are you Not looking at?
How often should you call?
How often should you expect a call?
How often should you see each other?
What is the cancellation policy?
How do you respond to spontaneous acts?
When do you say Yes?
When do you say No?
At what point - should you tell yourself - Self, Im gonna be open to a positive experience?
At what point - should you tell yourself - Self, the grass is greener - but the house - has just as much shit in it?
How do you feel about it on a spiritual point of view?
Do you miss that person - when they are not around? & why?
What is the purpose of this person - coming into your life & why now?
People come into your life - for a reason - a season & a life time - we must begin - sorting them out...
To be continued... I intend to find out?
p.s. Dont waste precious moments - on situations or even people - who wont matter - next month, in the next 6 months or next year
From a female's perspective: 1) Don't wear anything too revealing because he'll be too busy trying to know your body and not your mind/heart. He'll hold off on showing you the real him; until he gets the goods 2) Yes it does matter where you meet him; if you met him at the club...9 times out of 10...he met "them" at the club too 3) I could go on and on and on....I need my own blog!
Yes - you do Jen-Nay - Its always good to hear everyones perspective & I guess thats what makes a blog - so popular - I heard the other day on tv - "ima put you in my blog..." I laughed - because i just about put everything in my blog & I dont care - because - I am who I am & I want people to respect and love me for me - it may sound clique - but - its my m.o. these days...
what im also finding out - is what works for one person doesnt work for another person - but i definetly agree about wearing clothing that is not too revealing - however be yourself - if you are so incline to be - because if you are the type of person who always wears revealing clothes -then - he needs to see that as well
Personally I don't feel where you meet a person is a determining factor of the type of person someone may be. I try not to judge a person before trying to get to know who they are. As humans we tend to be judgemental of one another, without really putting forth the time or effort to get to know that person.
Umayknowme--that is so true. People usually never reveal who they really are when you first meet them. You can't judge/learn/know objectionally; until the transformation comes. Expect to meet the impersonator before you meet the originator.
jen-nay I agree. We reveal alot about ourselve's, in just normal everyday conversation. One must only take the time to listen.
love this....nice to know someone else is pondering these questions...and i think the questions become more relevant as you age....when you're young and dating, you haven't a care in the world...
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