Tuesday, July 12, 2005

If you think it - it will come

First you think it -
Then, you do it

Everything begins with a thought...
Like -
I use to think about my next hair style (before I did it)
I would tell someone close to me
NOT - to get their approval - but to see/hear their reaction
& THEN - I would DO IT!

So that - is just a simple- example
But, what you don't know is that Im doing that right now
....thinking - not only of my NEXT hairstyle - but also my NEXT move

- Ive complained about somethings long enough to make a changes...
& NOW the universe - (which is controled by) GOD - has provided a solution...

Ive been dealing with FEAR - lately
things Im afraid to do - "because"
things Im afraid to say - "because"
what's protocol is acceptable
what's different is NOT
too busy - allowing other people - to justify me
too busy - being blind
too busy - helping others - motivating others - with their dreams
I stopped dreaming

Then, I tried to do things routinely
that if I did it - enough times
that i would - learn to like it
because if I didnt like it in the first place - my intentions would always be contradicted...

Im telling you this - NOT - because
I know everything
but because - I want YOU
- to THINK for yourself


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