Wednesday, May 04, 2005

why does weave makes us look and feel better

To weave
or not to weave
- that is the Question?
Question: why do I weave?
Not because Im baldheaded - Im sure - you'll believe?
Not because my hair wont grow
Not because you tell me so
But just because... AND I feel damn good about it...

First off - Thanks Sandy for giving me such a GOOOOOOOOOOOOD topic/title to discuss
Secondly - let me point out the fact that Sandy - had never did a weave (or braids) until she met me - but now - she's addicted to the stuff...
Not because of - all of the above
But simply because...

Many of you do not know this - But I practically cut all of my hair off - last year to a Halle Berry cut. (but guess what - in just one year my hair - comes to the bottom of my neck & its THICK as hell)
Many of you do not know this - But I do this (cut my hair) soooooo often that even I got tired of it
Many of you do not know this - But Ive had my hair in just about evey color you can image...
Many of you do not know this - But I've had my hair in just about every style you can image... (natural or straight)
Hair has always been my thing
If my hair doesnt look good - I DONT FEEL GOOD
Some women get their nails done - Im not right - unless my hair is done!

I am some what "envious" of women - who have the "so-called" GOOD HAIR & actually thats Sandy - but as she realized - its boring - it offers no room for change...
Most women - with long hair - have a good THREE hairstyles
Then - if your hair is Too short - your in the same catergory...

I believe weave makes us feel good - because - it offers diversity - with out the Risk...
Say - I want to try a new hair color - I can put a weave in that color
If I like it - I'll keep it & maybe - make a permeant change on my own hair
If I hate it - it only cost me the hairstyle - not damage to my hair

So many celebs are weaving it up... all the way down to your "precious" Halle Berry & it has nothing to do with the fact that her hair "can" grow - she just wanted a quick style & a different look...
Then we have to think about Beyonce (and Brandy)- whom - we cant say that we will ever know the "REAL" length of their hair - but do you think Jay-Z cares - HELL NO - he's still getting that Booty - everynight & pulling on that weave...
Actually - Beyonce is almost a perfect example - of what weave offers in terms of diversity...

I feel confident about it - cause I know that I have hair & with every look - I have attracted a different person to my environment
& if you dont have hair - make sure you get a good enough - weave - so that people cant tell that its yours... DO NOT - get the girl in the neighborhood - that knows how to put her own weave in to do yours - if it does not look NATURAL (this is the key)

Most men - hate weaves - so what do you do about it??
You get one done - that is sooooo Natural - even he can tell - but let me tell you that a "good weave" can cost you...
Taking pride in your appearance is an everyday thing
Its starts with first - waking up in the morning - looking yourself in the mirror & saying - "HI BEAUTIFUL!" p.s. knowing that & doing that is only half the battle (G.I. Joe.....LOL!)


Blogger Unknown said...

My Favorite Style for you is your short looked great!


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