Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Remember when I told you - you were special - thats means your special

First thing I didnt understand is:
WHY is the game... twisted?
WHY is there a game?
WHY do people play games?
WHY do some of us play it better than others?
WHY do they know all the secrets?

WHY cant anyone be real?

I've said in a previous blog - that I am the way I am - because of NIGGAS & the games they play...
but still I keep it moving - cause Im a sucker for love
we go back

Anyhow - I was on - the other day & I saw that Antwain Fisher (just kidding) Antwain Jamison - aka Mario's big brother - has taken a picture with a bonified HOE - or as Smurf says - "she is comcast on demand (HOE)"
& this is cool - mind you the HOE- was very lightskinn -sorrie no offense Sandy - but she's not you - she's a lightskinn or maybe even worst - WHITE hoe - preying on this nigga... & this is cool enough to take a picture & post it on a website...

OK - Lets go back to the show Joe Millionare - anyone & everyone that watched that show - could clearly see that those white- gurls -were more opportunist - than any black girl could ever be - Cause while our mother's were teaching us - how to be strong, independent Black women - their mothers were teaching them - how to get a nigga (or any man rather - with money)...
Someone needs to write a book (maybe me) - instead of Rich Dad - Poor Dad.... Let's try White Mom - Black Mom..

Since I have to say it - Black men
No one is gonna know you- understand you & support your struggles - like a BLACK WOMAN
& I know we have a lot of mouth on us - & you like the white girls - because the shut up (maybe when you ask them too) - but no one has your back like us... remember that -

p.s. On the remix to one of Tweet's songs - 50 Cent said... Remember when I told you - you were special - that means your special - I said your special
p.s.s. & there is probably more to this - that Im not saying - but I'll let the comment column - do the rest


Blogger Now I Know said...

and that my friend may be your calling...if anyone were to write a book..."white mom black mom" it needs to b u. Not only b/c u are skilled, but also because u can relate, bond, and communicate people from various backgrounds and still stay true to your own. Congrats in advance!

Blogger Unknown said...

I hear you on that one! I also told you that the girl she was with (in a another picture on there) is a stripper @ DC's finest (Georgia Ave.) So they are about money anyway and whoever has they want it white or black. I don't know who that guy is I guess he is famous I don't know but the girl is playing the playa. Men use women all the time why not use them and get paid for it? You can't fight fire with fire but if the girl was dark skinned with a natural would you think the same or would you think she is just a fan wanting to take a picture?
Just some fire to fuel your book!
Luv ya.


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