Friday, April 29, 2005

If GOD called you - would you recognize his number

Some how - my blogs became the evening news:
Venting out anger & negativity (especially towards men)- I forgot to highlight - all the good in the world - all the good I see in people - all the hope I feel - all the love Ive received, created & hope to create- the sun - the moon - the stars - loving everything thats beautiful - taking a step back to breathe - cause unlike some... I can breathe & eat on my own & walk and hear & see & do anything I put my mind to...

Some people are born a Jew or Muslim - I was born a Christian - though we lived in the ghetto - my mom had the neighborhood kids eagerly coming to our house for bible study & it was always full... people always wanted to come & people always thought our family was doin it, cause we had "stuff"- but also, shared a lot...

Being a Christian growing up - I didnt think much of it - going to church on Sunday's, revivals in the summer, bible study... whenever, going to choir practice with my mom - it was my lively hood & I was happy to be out of the house.
Now that Im an adult - my relationship with GOD - is an ever changing one.
I LOVE God - but like a disobedient child - I feel like I am constantly - disappointing GOD with my life... & its not just sex - to me its more than that - I feel that Im not maximizing my potential because I cant even see myself the way GOD sees me.
Among other things, I believe in Karma - which is also in the bible & common sense - that, what you give to others - you also receive.
I believe in fate - which is also in the bible - that GOD has a plan for our lives & though we may plan to be doctors... we cant seem to kill the urge to be a school teacher
& its funny that I say that - cause sometimes - our calling & our source of revenue (making it big) - is not always in the most obvious money making scheme...(this is one of the reasons why I dont do - the Lotto/Powerball/Megaball...whatever)

Now adays - there are so many people getting into real estate - about 8 years ago - it was tech-stocks... Not to say that real estate isnt a good investment - but one thing I belive GOD wants us to do is be different & take risks...
Im struggling with that - Ive been struggling with that... & have no idea what Im scare of.

Ok - this is not a sermon - cause...who am I to preach - I drink a glass a wine everyday (faithfully) - I occassional swear - Ive lied to get more money on taxes - Ive smoked a joint in my day (yes... I enhaled), Im a recovered night club junky - Im a frequent fornicator... and anything else that makes me not perfect...

Its funny - I thought of the title in the middle of writing this (because I really didnt have that much to say - today - or atleast I thought)... But I wrote a poem about a year ago & read it at Bar Nun... lets see - I remember one part of the poem going like this:

I feel like Ive been called -
but I wont pick up the phone
because the caller i.d.
reads -
private number - unavailable - out of the area

p.s. are you screening your calls?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You BETTER screen your calls!!! LOL God ain't the only person calling

Blogger Hamani said...

Thank you James for calling me - you really blessed me with your comments.
You were right - you wouldnt have known this much about me - when we worked at Smith Barney
Everyday -stopping by to say hello - complaining about my boss or situation. Learning that I left there because of stress - all the time - never peeling off the layer of "co-worker"
Now I call you friend...

Blogger Hamani said...

Anonymous: - I thank everyone who comments...
As far as screening my calls for whomever is calling me (other than GOD) I guess I have to be careful who I give my number too...

Peace & Blessings


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