Thursday, March 31, 2005

Im tired of this shhhhh...........

Why in the H - E - Double Hockey Stick - did I go to a 4-year... wait a minute - $30K - $35K a year university... only to engage myself in this non-sense

- this day in -day out - grind - of the Yes, master... did I do this right .... did I put enough sugar in my bowl
- was it good enough - to make more money on my check - ????? - NOPE!!!

Tell me who gets ahead & why they pass us slow people
Tell me how those people who didnt finish school or never went to college - "make it"
Tell me - without charging me $29.99 to read your book of how you did it - or $300 to attend your seminar... share with me the information - that society - keeps from me...
Tell me the "real" secrets of success...


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